4ти циклус интер-универзитетски предавања на МИП програмата 

Во октомври започнува 4тиот циклус интер-универзитетски предавања од страна на МИП програмата од резидуалниот Механизам за Меѓународните трибунали за Поранешна Југославија и Руанда
Регистрација до 20ти септември: elenamihajlova@yahoo.com
It is our pleasure to inform you that UN IRMCT’s MIP Programme is launching its 4th cycle of the Inter-University Lectures Programme, which is scheduled to start in the second half of October this year.
A total of 16 lectures will be presented via Google Meets on a weekly basis, allowing students the opportunity to follow the lecture series from their homes or via hybrid attendance. The link and materials will be sent to you a week in advance of each lecture. The lectures are envisaged to last around 45-60 minutes with additional 15 minutes given for Q&A opportunities.
MIP (the former Outreach Programme) is an initiative of the Mechanism’s External Relations Office, started 2019 in partnership with the EU, aiming to improve the knowledge and understanding of citizens and communities in the countries of the former Yugoslavia about the crimes committed in the region during the conflicts of the 1990’s. MIP Programme use the archives of the ICTY and Mechanism, as well as their overall legacies, to present fact based accounts of crimes committed during the conflicts – in particular through the adjudicated cases of these institutions.
The Inter-University Video Lectures Programme, under MIP, is launched in 2019 and implemented in three lecture cycles during 2020-2022 with aim to initiate and facilitate the discussion on the region’s recent history, the role of the ICTY and IRMCT, and the principles of international criminal law and international humanitarian law. It brings together law students from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia to participate in real-time lectures delivered by Principals and senior professionals from the Mechanism.
These lectures not only build the students’ knowledge, capacity, and understanding of international criminal law and international humanitarian law, but also serve as a platform for genuine dialogue between law students from the countries of the former Yugoslavia. The first three cycles of the Inter-University Video Lectures Programme gathered more than 400 post-graduate law students from the University of Niš, the University of Podgorica, the University of Priština, the University of Sarajevo, the Ss. Cyril, the Methodius University of Skoplje , the University of Zagreb, University of Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina; the University UNION in Belgrade, Serbia; and the University Donja Gorica, Montengero, the University of Zenica and the Faculty of the political sciences of the University of Sarajevo.
the 4th cycle of the Programme is anticipated to start in October of this year – with lectures delivered on a weekly basis until the end of March 2023 – in the coming period, the Mechanism’s engagement with university students and lecturers will continue to focus on expanding and strengthening the network of law faculties from the region of the former Yugoslavia. The faculties will participate in a series of joint complementary activities.