Повик за стипендија за студенти на Sorbonne Law School во Париз

Sorbonne law school offers a one year curricula in law embodying the best of the French-European academic tradition. The academic part of the program ( 7 months  starting in September in the center of Paris), preparing for the French Bar and/or ensuring professional integration in France ; it includes a 3 to 6 months internship in one of our many partner institutions (court, company or law firm in Paris). 

For the past years, this incredible program now directed by Professor Pierre Brunet is addressed to the most motivated of the French speaking jurists. It offers not only a total  immersion and unique cultural experience, but a tailored legal and cultural education leading to a successful integration into many professional fields of law and French-European institutions.




E-application enrollment is possible starting May 1st.  httpps://ecandidat.univ-paris1.fr/ecandidat/#!accueilView
For questions about the program of the enrollment : LL.M-Droit.eds@univ-paris1.fr


This LL.M. (Magister Legum)  is a private post-graduate degree of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne open to practicing lawyers and jurists or recent law graduates, fluent in French although from non-French jurisdictions. It is tailored for jurists with different legal and cultural backgrounds in the main branches of French and European Law. It will familiarise them with legal practice in France and Europe. It offer the most efficient way to get prepared to pass the bar by using the article 99 or article 100 procedure of equivalence ! 
The curriculum focuses on the demands of international law practice by offering both classroom instruction and practical training.
The classroom component consists of several fundamental and optional courses taught by University professors/practicing lawyers in small classes conducive to discussion and participation. In addition, a language course will be available to improve the use of French as a working language.



The program is open to twenty students selected first by application then a skype interview.
Language course

Participants should be proficient in written and spoken French. However, the LL.M.


Applications (an electronic version may be sent my email before May 1st) should include :
* a letter written in French detailing the candidate’s previous academic achievements and professional aspirations ;
* a certified copy or a certified translation of the candidate’s University law degree and grades (in the law field from the first year) or other professional qualification. Candidates should also send a certified copy of their transcript indicating their courses, grades and, when possible, class rank ;
* two letters of recommendation ;
* a yearly financial budget
* a copy of the passport or ID
Tuition is 10 000 Euros. The tuition covers enrollment, insurance, health care provided by the French social security system, Internship, field trips, extra-academic cultural activities, 250 hours of classes including legal methods and French for lawyers + study materials for the classes – –  It does not cover accommodation, meals nor general expenses. A few rooms on campus – at the cité universitaire- are available on demand.
Participants are enrolled at the University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne and receive a student card which will give them access to all University facilities and specialized research centers, as well as the law libraries and intranet.
The curriculum is designed to provide a solid grasp of the institutions and fundamental concepts of French and European Law.
The program is taught by University Professors and practitioners in small classes to permit discussion and the study of cases.
Classes start in September and end in April with an interruption (2 weeks) for winter holidays.
Students who successfully pass the required examinations will receive at the end of year the L.LM degree (private degree) from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Practical Training

At the conclusion of their coursework by the end of march, students will have full-time internships in French/European law firms or institutions for three months minimum, starting in April.

Course Content

Compulsory Courses

– Civil Law of Contracts and Obligations (50 hours)
a) Contract law : general theory and principles of special contracts (sale, construction contracts, etc.).
b) Law of torts and contractual liability: general rules and special rules of liability (product liability, road accidents, nuisance, etc.).
– Company Law and Business Law (50 hours)
a) French and European legal framework of companies and different types of companies ; restructuring (mergers and acquisitions) ; affiliated companies ; tax and banking aspects of companies (stocks and shares, shareholders’ agreements).
b) Business law : international trade and commerce.

– Public Law (40 hours)
a) Constitutional law : political and constitutional organization of France ; litigation aspects of constitutional law.
b) Administrative law : the administrative law courts ; the judicial review of the acts of the administration ; review for ultra vires and general litigation.

– European Union Law (60 hours)
a) Institutional law : history of the European Union and of the evolution of the normative instruments ; the court system of the European Union …
b) Substantive law : Competition/ Antitrust Law ; free movement of goods ; free movement of persons ; freedom of establishment ; free movement of capital.

Optional Courses

Each participant is required to choose two options from the possible following :
– European Private International Law (20 hours)
– Human rights (20 hours)
– Criminal Law (20 hours)
– European Intellectual Property Law (20 hours)